I’m Still Here







I am still alive and well and haven’t forgotten that I have a blog. l still photographing my surroundings and painting up a storm. I just finished a second watercolor workshop and learned how to use masking. Also I found out how much I love painting trees! Snow season has sparked a desire to paint my own Christmas cards this year.  I better get busy….

Just 7 Days

Only seven more days till the month of October. I took the day off so i can hang my artwork at the coffee house. I am so excited, nervous, giddy! I keep thinking, “what will people think of my photography?” “Did I frame them right?” “Will anyone buy one?” Well I hope so because I am broke and want to print off some different ones! It’s late, can’t sleep and I have to work tomorrow so I am going to try to go to sleep. 


Heading into Los Angeles

Tuesday I leave for Los Angeles and I am so excited. My mom and dad and my brother my aunt and uncle my lovely daughter and most important my beautiful granddaughter! Cant wait to see them all. I also hope to hook up with my old schoolmate Annette! I can’t wait to go to the beach and feel my toes in the sand!!! 

I will be there for a week and when I get back I will have to get my photography all together and get ready for my first showing. I will be the featured artist for the month of October!!! Woooo Hoooooo!!! I still have a lot to do and will have only three weeks to get it together! I am so nervous and happy at the same time. Oh yes and lets not forget guilt ridden for all the money I spent on printing my photos! I is an opportunity I am not going to pass up. That’s is what I have always done in the past but not this time. So wish me luck!………………………………………These are a few of my photos in the mini slideshow! Click on it and have a look at Red Bubble site.


Photomojo Photography

I finally did something with my photography! My friends have been saying "Why don’t you do something!’ They have been encouraging me to get my name out there and promote myself. Well It took me a year but I did it! It’s a big leap for me to do something like this and I am jazzed! If anyone does read this and is willing to check out my gallery, let me say in advance how much I appreciate taking the time to do so. I hope you enjoy looking at my photographs as much as I did photographing them. Click on the links below to get a better look……….

Photography Addiction!

Hello everyone in Bloggerville! I finally found my way back. I have been busy with my photography. I am excited to say that I have been preparing my portfolio and I finally finished the computer part and downloaded it onto a disc. I will have 8X10’s made and I should be ready to show them off in about a week. My girlfriend is going to introduce me to a gentleman that works in a gallery. She showed him my photo website and he wants to see my portfolio! Woooo Hooooo!!!!!! I am soooo darn excited I could scream! This whole thing is a lot for me to take in without getting giggly and silly. That’s how I deal with my fear of success. have some more great news. Jeff got my a Nikon D40X for Christmas and I also have a couple of classes scheduled. I gotta admit that I am spoiled by my point and shoot but I am looking forward to learning how to use my new camera and all the functions. I am still at Wal-Mart in charge of the grocery department. I have applied for that transfer to the store that is down the street from me. Hope I get that transfer, it would mean less $$$ in gas and in the summer I could ride my bike to work.
I hope you don’t think that I have forgotten about all of you. I just kinda of became obsessed with my new found hobby. Here are a few photos that I took with my new camera hope you enjoy them. I also hope everyones new year is bringing you joy and happy times. 2008!!!!!!! Can you believe it? My granddaughter, Siena, turned 2 years old. My daughter called me to let me know that Siena fractured her arm and is in a cast! She was jumping on the bed and landed wrong. Siena looked up at mom and softly said, "No jumping on the bed." That’s when Colleen knew something was wrong and took her to the doctors! I also posted the latest photo of Siena. She is such a pretty little girl. Well I have to get to bed so I can get some ZZZZZ. I have to work first thing in the morning….Grrrrrr…..I’d rather spend the day taking pictures!…………Pam:)

Happy Thanksgiving To Everone!

Yes I am still alive and I made it through the biggest grocery shopping time of the year…..and I still have a full head of hair! It has been a long time since I have wanted to blog anything. It seemed that I have been in a heavy funk and could only think of unhappy things to write about. Well that hasn’t changed much but my outlook has. You know the saying…"When it rains, it pours" well I don’t have an umbrella and I got soaking wet! LOL My son is now out of prison and I am crossing my fingers. My daughter in-law is home from Irac and her and my daughter broke up! My daughter is seriously considering joing the Army full time. I am not real happy about that but if that is what she wants to do, I will support her. It’s a real catch 22. If she is deployed I will be taking care of Siena,my granddaughter, which will be wonderful….but I don’t wan’t my daughter to be deployed either!!!!! My mother in-law just found out she has 1-3 years to live. She has a rare kind of cancer and yesterday it just hit me emotionally. I cried all the way to work and all day at work. Today Jeff is deep frying a turkey and a bunch of other stuff. I am only in charge of the baked candied yams…..with bourbon!!!!!! Jeff has become quite the chef now that he changed jobs. He is at home a lot with nothing to do and has become very domesticated! I was cleaning off the kitchen table and he was chopping away at some gourme creation and I asked him to move over so I could get to the trash can. He turned and glared then he snapped, "Why do you always have to be in the kitchen when I am cooking!!!" I looked at him and asked him if a rock had fell on his head! "Where is my husband?" I snapped back! LOL!!!!!!!! He has vacuumed the house more in the last month than I have in the last year….(embarrassed and frowning) 😦 Believe me I am not complaining but it is quite a shock, this big change. I have been taking lots of photos and enjoying learning more about all there is to know to make myself a better photographer. If you want to see my photos I have two sites. http://www.betterphoto.com/gallery/gallery.asp?memberID=237669 and http://www.soaphoto.com/album/my_album_main.asp?uid=phpic I can’t wait to get an SLR. Since I started my new hobby I look at EVERYTHING differently. "Will that make a good photo?" "Now that would make an artistic image!" I love it. Lots of fun. I am paticipating in a 30 days of black and white project on the SOAPHOTO site. My album will be posted on the 1st. The photo below in one you will see in that album. Well I have to get back to the kitchen and clean up the mess we made. Hope you all are having a great Thanksgiving Day…..Pam:)

Fall Is Here

This weekend my hubby and I will take our motorcycle to the mountains to try to get some good photos of the leaves changing. I hope we didn’t miss the peak. Wish me luck. That’s me in the reflection in the back of my hubby’s helmet. One of these days I am going to drop my camera trying to get a photo at 50 mph! That’s it for today, Pam:)

I Got Lost At Wal-Mart!

Well I am still alive and well! I have been working 10 and 12 hour shifts for the last 3-4 weeks and I ma sooooo pooped and my muscles are sore. I am still loving my new hobby of riding my bicycle and taking pictures of the neighborhood and of the sunsets! It is very relaxing for me and helps me unwind from the stresses of retail. Nothing new going on except that I made a baby blanket for my neighbor who is due in October. Oh wait a minute….We painted our house!!!! RED!!!!!!! I just love it. Here are a couple of pictures. All the neighbors like it too. That’s a good thing eh? Well I am going to fix fome dinner and relax. Hope everyone is doing well. It’s going to take forever to catch up on everyone, but I will try…..Pam:)

Tag, your it!

I’ve been tagged…. here are the rules….
Each person posts the rules before their list, then list 8 things
about themselves.
At the end of the post, that person tags and links to 8 other people
and then visits those people’s spaces and comments letting them
know that they have been tagged, and to come and read the post,
so they know what they have to do.

1. I have been mairred for 14 years
2. I have 2 kids and 4 grandkids
3. I am a workaholic…at Wal-Mart
4. I love to take pictures
5. I pracrastinate or maybe I just constantly forget what I was doing but I am consistant!!!!!
7. I love to cook for lot’s of people! I don’t know lots of people…Hmmmmm
8. I love to give presents to people for no reason at all!

I am now supposed to tag others but I am such a party pooper…Sorry Val But it was fun reading about you!

If Only…..

If only I could be like a perennial flower, as each year passes, my roots are established and I become healthier, brighter, stronger. But like an annual a false sense of well being presents itself with a beautiful blossom and as the season ends, it withers into the ground, forgotten and then replaced without reason to return.